
Emergency Dentistry


Emergency Dentistry: An Overview

Our team begins by examining the area that is called in regarding the emergency dentistry service. We decide from there if you may need a service such as a root canal, extraction, or a mercury free tooth filling. We also come to our final conclusion by giving x-rays, taking pictures of your teeth and mouth, and giving you a detailed consultation with our lead dentist, Dr. Natalie Diangani, to discuss your options. We want to alleviate your pain with the best comfort and care by our team and do our best to begin your treatment the same day.

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Emergency dentistry is a unique way of being the emergency room for your mouth and dental health. If you are suffering from severe pain, jaw pain, excessive bleeding from your teeth or mouth, or have had a major injury on your teeth, emergency dentistry is here to save you.

Emergency dentistry services are all unique to your circumstances. In some instances, you may need an emergency root canal, a fast filled mercury free tooth filling, or a dental crown placed. Regardless, we can offer any emergency dental procedure based on your needs and severity.

It is essential that if you are experiencing any excessive dental pain to contact our office immediately. Our phones operate 24/7 and we will respond to you quickly to resolve your emergency dentistry pain. While we offer emergency dentistry services, we highly recommend seeing us every six months to keep your oral health up to date to avoid potential emergency dentistry issues.



In most instances, potential emergency dentistry services can be avoided by regular teeth cleanings and by seeing us every six months. However, there are instances where the inevitable happens and you come across severe tooth pain or jaw pain. If you are feeling any high discomfort in your mouth or jaw, contact us immediately.

Emergency dentistry services we offer include fixing:

  • A cracked dental bridge or tooth crown
  • A broken retainer or night guard
  • A lost tooth crown or mercury free tooth filling
  • A toothache
  • Food stuck between teeth
  • A severe sudden injury to the mouth

If you are in need of an emergency dental service, are experiencing tooth pain, or have had a sudden injury to your mouth, contact us immediately so we can get your dream smile back in shape!



Emergency dentistry services apply to anyone who is suffering from tooth pain or jaw pain, has a lost or chipped tooth, loosened or knocked out tooth/teeth, or immediate fixing of previous dental work.

We want to ensure your oral health is never compromised. We guarantee that we can help fix your tooth pain efficiently and quickly, giving you back your smile in no time. We recommend calling us immediately if you believe you are in need of an emergency dental service.

Regardless of your circumstance, we recommend having your mouth examined if you have a chipped tooth or have suddenly lost teeth, are currently experiencing tooth pain, or are concerned with a previous dental procedure that may be misplaced.



Dr. Diangani

At Dream Smiles Dental, we want you to have the most optimal and modernized options for your dental health. Whether you are questioning if a tooth crown is broken, or you have had a sudden injury to your mouth, we have options for you that are guaranteed to fix your smile and bring it back to life, pain free!

We use the newest and latest dental technology to ensure your oral health is in check, while fixing your teeth and mouth them in a way that naturally represents your smile efficiently and timely.

Our comfort and care to our patients is emphasized within all of our services. We want to give you the beautiful and comfortable smile you deserve. Call us today if you believe you are in need of an emergency dentistry service so we can get your pain taken care of!

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is anytime you wake up and you're having pain, discomfort, swelling, throbbing in any area of your mouth. If you wake up one morning and you're noticing any kind of swelling that is localized in just that area or you're having any bleeding, any pain, anything sore, throbbing or hurting you, definitely you want to get into your dentist as soon as possible.

What Are the Criteria for Emergency Room Visits?

When you would actually need to go to the emergency room would be if the swelling is just around the tooth, at that point you can go see your emergency dentist and find one as soon as possible. When the swelling actually starts to go to other parts of the body, like if you notice swelling on your neck, if you notice swelling, no, in this area just below the chin, if it starts to spread past the tooth and go into other parts of your face, that's when you definitely might want to see the emergency room.

What Are Some Signs That You Need to Go to the Emergency Room?

If this happens on a Saturday evening and you're unable to get to an emergency dentist and you're noticing that swelling is getting worse and then you're able to go to the emergency room. If you're having any difficulty breathing, if you're having any difficulty swallowing, those are definitely signs that the infection has spread to other parts of the body and it's a serious emergency. So in those cases you need to go to the emergency room.

How Can Teeth be Saved Through Treatment?

When these cases arise where you do have swelling in the tooth, sometimes that tooth is able to be saved. Sometimes we're able to do something called a root canal on the tooth, which is a process of removing the nerve and being able to save that tooth. However, if the infection is pretty extensive or the tooth is broken in such a way where we cannot save it, you're going to need to have an emergency dental extraction.

If we’re unable to save the tooth or we can look at it and see that it just doesn't make sense over the long term for you to keep this tooth, we'll provide an emergency extraction. Any time you wake up first thing in the morning and you are experiencing that swelling, you just come right into an emergency dentist.

How Would a Dentist Assess and Plan Treatment for an Emergency?

We will take a look at the tooth, take x-rays of the tooth, and we'll be able to let you know if this tooth can be saved or not. If it can't be saved, we'll go ahead and do a root canal as soon as possible if it makes more sense to remove it.

How Urgency are Dental Emergencies?

It was really important to me that we're able to get patients who are in pain in as soon as possible because the thing with dental emergencies is they only get worse over time, and the sooner you get in to see a dentist, the better it is for you.

We always offer our patients same day availability so that we can come in, look at the tooth, and discuss what the game plan is going forward to get you out of pain and healthy. At our location, we do have late days. We offer appointments as late as 6 or 7 p.m. on certain days, so we can definitely arrange to fit in with your busy schedule. We also offer weekend appointments once in a while.

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If you have any additional questions, feel free to give us a call at (832) 743-2365 . We're here to help.

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